FRUITS & VEGETABLE COMBO | ONLINE VEGETABLE STORE MADURAI | - #Madurai ’s best #online #grocery #shopping store introduces a new #subscription of “FRUITS COMBO OFFER”. The all 5 fresh #fruits #combo pack is specially arranged for our #happy #customers to try out the product and feel that they are paying right for the #right quality. You can feel the #freshness of fruits at “JUST RUPEES.350” The Combo #Pack includes ½ KG Apple, ½ KG Sweet Lime, 1 Pine Apple (Medium Size), ½ KG Pomegranate, Red banana (6 Pieces). For More details and Orders: Say Hello: 75400 35284 or Reach Us: 2, First Floor,Puthur Vandipathai Road, K.Pudur, Madurai - 625 007. #ONLINEVEGETABLESTOREMADURAI , #ONLINEGROCERYMADURAI , #ONLINEGROCERYSTORMADURAI , #VEGETABLESTOREINMADURAI , #GROCERYSTOREINMADURAI , #FRUITSONLINEMADURAI , #MADURAIFRUITS , #MADURAIFRUITSONLINE , #FRUITSONLINEINMADURAI